Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 51

volume Number : 13
number In Volume : 5
issue Number : 51

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13، number In Volume 5، ، issue Number 51

The Study of Some of the Features of Discourse Style in Dorra-ye Nadera

Nasrin Khani , Gholamreza Salemian (Author in Charge), Amer Gheytouri


Dorra-ye Nadera is written by Mirzamahedikhan Estarabadi. in Afshariyyah History. Given the author"s unique place in Nader’s government, this book is packed with valuable and first-hand information on the history of that period, and it is therefore one of the main sources of historical research on the late Safavid period, the Afshar career, and even the beginning of the Zandiyeh period. The author"s special occasion in addition to stating some events is that he has implicitly expressed another part of the events of the time. The critical discourse analysis can be used to reach both the hidden layers of the text and its stylistic features, as this paper has done. In this essay, by choosing five particular stylistic features of this book, namely: obeying special reasoning at the beginning of each chapter, the vocabulary of Arabic phrases and sentences, the specific pattern of the unknown verb, the proportionality of the overlap, and the long descriptions, they are compared to what Norman Fairclough, a linguist has done. We compared our approach to analyzing critical discourse in our method. The findings of the study indicate that these stylistic features can be considered as text discourse categories under the Fairclough classifications, in addition, some of the features, such as the extreme use of comparison and the illusive comparison, the vocabulary-making , including phrase, sentence and the sentence of reasoning, are things that do not fit into the categories of Fairclough and they can also be categorized..

Dorra-ye Nadera , Estarabadi , Discourse Analysis , Fairclough , Stylistics

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